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Day 1 - Let the destruction begin

Day 1 - Let the destruction begin - Makeovers

First major job of the day was to remove the remaining tiles from the main wall. This although menial was vital to the overall project.  All in all I would estimate individually the tiles that I removed that day ran into the 000’s each tile needed three delicate hits with the end of the hammer, two for the tile and one for my thumb, or it felt that way .

First major job of the day was to remove the remaining tiles from the main wall. This although menial was vital to the overall project.  All in all I would estimate individually the tiles that I removed that day ran into the 000’s each tile needed three delicate hits with the end of the hammer, two for the tile and one for my thumb, or it felt that way . Once the tiles had been removed we would be able to get the old suite out and replace it with my nice shinny new Bathshop321.com vanity unit and suite. This again took longer than expected and I finally finished the day at about 19.00 that evening, I can honestly say, I have sat on planes for hours on end on my way to holidays, I have sat outside the pub in the scorching sun waiting for my friend to finish their beers before getting a round in, but never has an ice cold lager tasted so so nice. The final job of the day once the tiles had been removed was to strip the remaining netting from the tiles off the wall; this was simple enough and didn’t take long. I then mixed some plaster, again a small bag costs about £5.00 but is often an essential item when performing such tasks as removing tiles as you will always get some tiles that bring lumps of plaster off with them. This plaster work needed to be done on the Saturday as it needed a few days to dry through sufficiently to enable me to tile on top of it.