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  1. Securely Fixing your Toilet Paper Holder

    One of the most common bathroom breakages is the toilet paper holder; the screw that holds the fixture into place often comes loose after downward pressure is applied on the holder, or after a year or two’s usage. Secondly, many people use screws that are far too short, reducing the stability of the fixture and causing it to wobble and loosen over time.


  2. How to Unblock your Toilet with Household Items

    Bring a large pan full of water to boiling point and pour it into the bowl (taking care not to splash yourself). The increase in temperature should cause the material to break up a little and begin to loosen; repeating this process will eventually cause enough loosening to completely remove the blockage, but if not, combine the boiling water with one of the above ingredients for a more effective cocktail that should finish the blockage off!


  3. Resurfacing your Bathtub

    Taking a long dip in the bath allows you to relax and unwind after a hard day’s work or a busy day with the kids; it provides a perfect place to soak with a good book or your favourite radio station, as well as providing you with all the physical benefits of heated water on tense or stressed muscles and joints. For those who have had their bathtub many years, or have purchased a lower-quality tub, the finish can often become faded, chipped or starts to peel. If purchasing a higher quality tub is out of the question (but for the affordable prices at Bathshop321, it’s had to find an excuse not to!) then it may be time to resurface your tub.

  4. Getting Rid of Toilet Cistern Smells

    A common problem in many households is strange smells emitted from the toilet cistern; this is usually attributed to stagnant water in the tank and will continue to stink out your bathroom until you take some time to clear the problem. This problem is particularly common in ‘secondary bathrooms’ and areas with ‘hard water’ which is a large cause of lime scale and scum, such as the South of the UK. Fear not fans, the Bathshop321 is on hand to help you fix up your bathroom once again!

  5. Replacing Cracked Bathroom Floor Tiles

    Floor tiles are being incorporated into modern households more and more as time goes on. Contemporary styles and designs often show us how great a tiled floor can look; the smooth coloured surface of the tiles contrasted with the grout has a certain cool class about it.


  6. Resealing Your Bathtub

    If there’s one thing the Bathshop321 Handyman knows, it’s that water erodes everything given enough time. Even silicone sealant, a substance created to provide a water resistant solution to gaps joints between baths, showers, sinks and walls (amongst other household applications, but the Bathshop321 handyman won’t hear it).


  7. How to Unblock Bathroom Drains

    Ahoy Bathshop321 fans! Welcome to the first lot of tips from the Bathshop321 Handyman. We’ll start the series with one of the most common problems that occurs in modern bathrooms; the blocked drain. Standing or slow draining water left by a blocked drain can easily cause slippery surfaces and a build-up of scum, so removing this in areas such as the bath and shower enclosure is extra important.


  8. The Fairy Bathmother’s 15 Minute Fixes – Shower Curtains

    Greetings all, it’s the Fairy Bathmother here with a brand spanking new blog series to help you keep your bathroom in tip-top condition regardless of how busy you are. If you’re a fan of the hit TV show “60 Minute Makeover” but don’t have 60 minutes of spare time to indulge in some much needed renovation then our 15 minute fixes should provide the perfect opportunity for some bite-sized bathroom revamps.


  9. How To Unblock A Blocked Sink

    The next thing to look at is the “U Bend”. The U Bend is a U-shaped bend in the piping under the sink, its purpose is to block odours from coming up the sink, but in practice it often traps other unwanted things that are being pushed down a sink. The U shaped part of this type can be removed because there are two threads one almost directly under the sink in the downpipe and another further along. Before attempting to remove the U Bend you should have on hand a plunger, a bucket, a screwdriver and a few towels or other absorbent material in case you have to do a mop up job!



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